Booster Club

We invite you to be a part of the John Paul II Booster Club to support academics, the arts, and athletics. As a private school, our funding comes from outside sources; private donations, fundraising, ticket sales, etc. help our students succeed in all three areas.

Booster Club Board of Directors

President – Mitch Anderson
Vice President of Academics – David Tulis
Vice President of Arts – Vacant
Vice Presidents of Athletics – Stephanie Stokes
Secretary – Regina Respess
School Board Representative – Dr. Mark Dellasega
At Large Members – Chad Bolt, Maryann Cuellar, Laura Eaves, Jennifer Haddock, Hans Vogelsong, and Corrie Jayne Williams

To show your support for our students, please consider joining the Booster Club in one or more areas of interest to you by using the buttons below.
